On the evening of December, 16 2006 Denver Nuggets basketball star, Carmelo Anthony participated in an on court brawl in the late stages of a game against the New Your Knicks. Specifically, Anthony punched New York Knick, Mardy Collins and for that transgression he was subsequently suspended by the league for 15 games as punishment. While a punch being thrown during a NBA always carries a suspension, a 15 game suspension was a very heavy penalty for an on court altercation.
However, this altercation had some extenuating circumstances. The initial altercation between Nate Robinson of the Knicks and J.R. Smith of the Nuggets had been contained and the situation was coming to a close. The authorities were very close to re-establishing control. Then, seemingly out of the blue Anthony delivered a roundhouse right to unsuspecting jaw of Collins who was somewhat restrained by another person at the time. Many considered Anthony’s punch to have been a cheep shot and his hasty retreat after the punch smacked of cowardice. Anthony’s punch was unnecessary (he was not being threatened at the time) and only served to re-escalate the confrontation between the two teams.
Anthony, while perhaps not a model citizen, is perceived as a friendly and affable competitor, who clearly enjoys playing the game of basketball. This incident was totally out of character and quite surprising to the entire league. Needless to say, this budding NBA superstar’s public image took a huge hit with the flood of negative publicity that followed.
Using Magi Astrology principles and we can see exactly what was influencing Anthony on the evening of the brawl, and why he exercised such poor judgment. One of the key principles of Magi Astrology is incorporating the use of heliocentric (Sun centered) astrology. In fact, to explain this incident you don’t even need the geocentric (Earth centered) chart.
Mars rules aggression, fighting and physical confrontations. As you might expect tracking Mars and Mars/Saturn will lead you to the answer in this heliocentric chart. The black planets represent Carmelo Anthony (May 29, 1984) and the red planets represent the transiting chart of 12-16-06, the evening of the brawl. Transiting Mars in longitudes is opposed Venus (applying by 0.5 degrees) which symbolizes the lack of cooperation (Venus) or having any interest in restoring harmony (Venus) by Anthony while the authorities were trying to restore order, and instead a desire to maintain the unrest (Mars). In addition, it also symbolizes a loss of money (Venus) due to aggressive behavior/fighting (Mars). The Mars opposed Venus is also in Magical Time (within three and half days of exactness) and therefore at its most powerful influence in the chart. In latitudes, transiting Mars is applying parallel to natal Mars (applying by 0.12 degrees) which serves to heighten and strengthen Anthony’s ability to get angry (Mars) and react in a physical way to conflict.
When you see overwhelmingly bad judgment and exaggerated inappropriate behavior, you can bet you last dollar that Saturn or a Saturn midpoint is in play. In this case, the transiting Mars/Saturn midpoint is the key element. In longitudes it is applying (by 0.3 degrees) sextile/trine the Anthony’s Earth while in latitudes it is applying contra-parallel (by 0.08) to his Mars. These alignments would symbolize a person (Earth) with impaired judgment during an athletic event (Mars/Saturn) inclined to be inappropriately aggressive and combative (Mars/Saturn) by fighting (Mars). The Mars/Saturn would also explain Anthony’s cowardly retreat (Saturn rules cowardice) when other Knick players charged him following his cheap shot punch to Collins.
Note: The Mars/Saturn midpoint is represented in the chart as “hm” and while the far midpoint is not shown, Magi Astrologers treat both the near and far (in this case 8.2 Libra and 8.2 Aries) longitudinal midpoints as being the same, which is why the Mars/Saturn midpoint is both sextile and trine the Earth in longitudes.
However, this altercation had some extenuating circumstances. The initial altercation between Nate Robinson of the Knicks and J.R. Smith of the Nuggets had been contained and the situation was coming to a close. The authorities were very close to re-establishing control. Then, seemingly out of the blue Anthony delivered a roundhouse right to unsuspecting jaw of Collins who was somewhat restrained by another person at the time. Many considered Anthony’s punch to have been a cheep shot and his hasty retreat after the punch smacked of cowardice. Anthony’s punch was unnecessary (he was not being threatened at the time) and only served to re-escalate the confrontation between the two teams.
Anthony, while perhaps not a model citizen, is perceived as a friendly and affable competitor, who clearly enjoys playing the game of basketball. This incident was totally out of character and quite surprising to the entire league. Needless to say, this budding NBA superstar’s public image took a huge hit with the flood of negative publicity that followed.
Using Magi Astrology principles and we can see exactly what was influencing Anthony on the evening of the brawl, and why he exercised such poor judgment. One of the key principles of Magi Astrology is incorporating the use of heliocentric (Sun centered) astrology. In fact, to explain this incident you don’t even need the geocentric (Earth centered) chart.
Mars rules aggression, fighting and physical confrontations. As you might expect tracking Mars and Mars/Saturn will lead you to the answer in this heliocentric chart. The black planets represent Carmelo Anthony (May 29, 1984) and the red planets represent the transiting chart of 12-16-06, the evening of the brawl. Transiting Mars in longitudes is opposed Venus (applying by 0.5 degrees) which symbolizes the lack of cooperation (Venus) or having any interest in restoring harmony (Venus) by Anthony while the authorities were trying to restore order, and instead a desire to maintain the unrest (Mars). In addition, it also symbolizes a loss of money (Venus) due to aggressive behavior/fighting (Mars). The Mars opposed Venus is also in Magical Time (within three and half days of exactness) and therefore at its most powerful influence in the chart. In latitudes, transiting Mars is applying parallel to natal Mars (applying by 0.12 degrees) which serves to heighten and strengthen Anthony’s ability to get angry (Mars) and react in a physical way to conflict.
When you see overwhelmingly bad judgment and exaggerated inappropriate behavior, you can bet you last dollar that Saturn or a Saturn midpoint is in play. In this case, the transiting Mars/Saturn midpoint is the key element. In longitudes it is applying (by 0.3 degrees) sextile/trine the Anthony’s Earth while in latitudes it is applying contra-parallel (by 0.08) to his Mars. These alignments would symbolize a person (Earth) with impaired judgment during an athletic event (Mars/Saturn) inclined to be inappropriately aggressive and combative (Mars/Saturn) by fighting (Mars). The Mars/Saturn would also explain Anthony’s cowardly retreat (Saturn rules cowardice) when other Knick players charged him following his cheap shot punch to Collins.
Note: The Mars/Saturn midpoint is represented in the chart as “hm” and while the far midpoint is not shown, Magi Astrologers treat both the near and far (in this case 8.2 Libra and 8.2 Aries) longitudinal midpoints as being the same, which is why the Mars/Saturn midpoint is both sextile and trine the Earth in longitudes.
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